To the young female driving this black Subaru this morning going down I-5 and felt the need to pass me on the left as I was passing a semi on my right... I apologize that the few miles per hour that I was going over the speed limit was not sufficient for you. I was passing someone who was on my right, there for was appropriately using the left lane, while breaking the speed limit myself to make the pass. After you passed me you continued to ride the bumper of several other vehicles cutting people off and taking the exit for Franklin Boulevard. It was at this time that I decided to follow you and report you to the police because your behavior is going to get someone hurt or worse, killed. I'm glad that you felt tough when you jumped out of your car at the stoplight at Dutch Bros on Franklin to scream at me. The dispatcher also got to hear your screaming. Maybe you were late to class at the University, maybe you're late for work. IDK, and IDC.
I know everyones theory of impedance. I was going over 65 in a 60, passing a semi, with a heavy flow of traffic coming up the on ramp from Old Franklin. It isnt too far fetched to say I was were I was supposed to be... 😎
9/27/19 late afternoon: Dark Chevrolet Equinox with Lyft tag was idling for a long time in NW 20th Pl Fred Meyer lot. Was still there over an hour later when I came back to the area. Idling all that time or returned to same spot again? Waste of fuel, either way, unless it was a medical thing and the driver passed out.
Prick in TuRD Tacoma...cruising in the right lane of a 2 lane stretch of road. I decided to pass since he was being erratic and riding the car in front of him. Apparently he didn't like that another car was faster than him/passing he jumped lanes without a signal, and brake checked me almost causing an accident. He almost hit the car in front of him as well. A real piece of shit.
Absolute legend. Wouldn't let protesters get in his way, the protesters said that people had to pay to park when it was FREE. Don't let no one stop you.
Psychotic road rager almost ran into me then slammed on his brakes, reversed and almost ran over one of his neighbors, then proceeded to fly past traffic driving in the oncoming lane in a school zone at twice the speed limit. This nutter needs to be taken off the roads before he kills someone.
Normal Ford driver... likes to cut people off