Driver was unsafe
Passing in no passing zone at high speed
in a limited sight area (Langhorne - Feasterville) Female passenger proceeded
to throw liquid out the window landing on
my car. Should be ticketed
The white female who was driving this black SUV vehicle through Lansdale, Montgomery County, was riding people's bumpers so closely that you couldn't see the headlights of her vehicle!
pemandu Lori tersebut tidal bertanggung Jawab at as kejadian pagi tadi telah menyebabkan Cermin taxi sebelah pemandu pecah. harap pihak berkenaan ambil tindakan ye..
this as*hat decides to pull out in front of people, and then procede to rub the side of there truck against the front end of someone elses when there is no room. and then take off after hitting my truck.
I'm not sure what your problem was at kroger's tonight in coppell, tx on sandy lake Rd. If it was with my husband or myself please feel free to message me on FB my first name is Amanda and if you are doing my husband then you should know my last name hope to your message.
they pulled out in front of me when my light was green practically hit them, and he couldn’t stay in one lane. look liked they were drunk or some shit.
This lady had a total disregard for those around her. Hitting my car hard enough it shook my car and then she left like nothing happened