This is the license plate of a male whom is either Pacific Islander Or Hispanic descent in his early forties or perhaps mid-to-late thirties. He is overweight especially throughout his midsection and his head is completely bald. He claimed to be retired army when he was approached. He was caught videotaping up my skirt well my young son shopped alongside me. After much hesitancy I decided to contact the MP's which made a report at the JBLM commissary. He ran and my husband was able to take a picture of his license plate number as he exited the commissary parking lot. I doubt he is dangerous as he was quite passive when I approached him but regardless his nature is despicable and with his confidence, I'm sure he's done this several times. I'm mortified to think that pictures of me, especially alongside my son are somewhere on
the internet. I've always had faith in MP'S to follow up but I have not heard anything from them at all and it's been quite awhile. Someone has to know him. Someone has to help him get help. I don't want another girl to have to deal with what I'm dealing with right now. You think those license plates could track him down pretty easily. I wonder if they even bothered.
On 405 outside of Renton, Silver Nissan. Girl with black hair- you need to pay attention. We were merging onto the freeway and as the merge lane ends, she passes us, pushing us to the side of the one lane road. Look over and she's talking with her friends and looking down at something (phone? Not the road, that's for sure). You're asian girl, dont be a stereotype.