05/14/16 9:04 AM

Rocks returned: //www.thenewstribune.com/news/local/article77542582.html
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05/13/16 12:57 AM

I hope this was reported to the police. There has been problems with vandals and stealing from the park lately.
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05/07/16 10:55 AM

Again, Kinda creepy knowing there's dudes jotting down chicks license plate numbers in traffic...
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04/24/16 8:25 PM

This guy nearly killed a bunch of people when he ran a stop Light in olympia WA three weeks ago . he was so busy apparently talking to a dash cam and fondling a massive fat cat that he ignored all the road signals and sped thrught the intersection at 50MPH . he's know to the local in olympia as the bald cat fiddler and does this all the time . he thinks he a celebrity they say !!! shocking behaviour
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04/29/16 7:20 PM

This guy is a fucking psycho and completely inept at driving. Constantly talking on a phone or other device. Saw him get out: a tattooed midget hick no surprise
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04/24/16 7:56 PM

This guy is a notorious YouTube con artist and genuinely bad person. He lies, cheats, stole, scams and drinks way too much.
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04/24/16 6:18 PM

He is known to drink and drive often. It shows cases and cases of empty beer cans in his rig on his YouTube videos.
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04/17/16 8:54 PM

Horribly angry person in the passenger seat. Vandalism, child endangerment and moving violations
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04/16/16 11:29 AM

As the vehicle left the BofA Port Orchard it ran a stop sign leaving the parking lot.

This driver at 4/16/2016 @ 9:26 am doesn't need to be driving.
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04/09/16 7:13 AM

That was 4/9/2016 not 4/9/2014
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