I hear a knock on my front door and I don't answer it. This chic continues to knock for a while. I look out my bedroom window and watch her walk off pretty fast. Not even 10 minutes later I look out my back window and see this vehicle backing up and parking. The chic comes back and knocks again on the front door while I watch the two dudes jump out and start putting on gloves gonna attempt to break in my house in the back while this chic is knocking in the front. I knock on the back window and the 2 dudes yell for her and jump in the car and leave.
She left her infant in car while shopping at Target in Spokane WA. Said she was taking care of her son the best way she could. I pray that poor baby doesn't die in her care.
Why didn't you yield the right of way to the driver. And no I'm not that driver