BLE3501 06/05/16 9:44 AM

Old woman flew past me doing at least 100MPH, inches from me, I'm on a motorcycle.
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BMF2146 06/05/16 9:29 AM

This piece of trash ran a redlight.

The movie is too long to add and I am a full time college student too busy to shorten, will include photo proof.
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BCE1437 06/04/16 2:21 AM

We were looking for a parking spot in a small cramped parking lot in tortilla flat AZ and in a stroke of good luck a car in front of is pulled out of a spot. We started to pull I to it when two young kids ran up and stood in the middle of the spot facing away from us and refused to move or talk to us besides to say "we are saving the spot". A few frustrating minutes later a truck pulls up behind us and honks at us to move so they can take their "claimed spot". Another spot opened across from it so we pulled in and the truck pulled into the saved spot with a smirk on his face. This truck is owned by a family of @$$holes.
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BTX1834 06/10/16 4:00 PM

this driver of the vehicle in his twenties,driving blue pt cuiser,he hit my vehicle,when we step out for insurance infor,he took off.
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BMK3289 06/01/16 12:22 PM

This is a private investigator. Drives a newer model black Ford Mustang. Claims he is neighborhood watch.
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STRBRST 05/29/16 8:15 PM

DMV fees are very high. Why doesn't the CA government do something about these out of state drivers and tax them instead? This Dodge Challenger was seen nowhere near the site seeing areas of LA. There are no celebrity's homes here. So, why is he/she here? If he/she is here to work and live in the area, why doesn't he/she pay her dues and change her plates to CA from Arizona plates STRBRST?
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BAY8881 05/26/16 12:29 PM

This driver could not wait for the traffic light to change at Arcadia Drive and camelback road so he made a bold left before the light ever changed to green and then went east on Camelback Road in his black Cadillac Escalade at a speed far greater than mine which was 50 mph. For the record, I sped up to 50 mph just to see if it would be possible to keep pace with them but as I said earlier he greatly I'll paste me.
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BLX4771 05/25/16 6:31 PM

I'm stuck in a lane behind a pickup that is having gear box issues (moving at snails pace, fits and starts).

Driver of AZ BLX4771 is behind me, starts honking. Then he pulls up along side me and yells "Get the F*ck off the road" (as if there was anything I could do).

Oh, he had an Uber sign on the front windshield and a sign on the side of his vehicle. He sure left a great impression for your brands.
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BPB5821 05/25/16 5:43 PM

Silver Toyota Corolla. Cut if front of an entire line of traffic just to get in front nearly running an elderly woman off the road. It's a shame all the cops were tied up with that accid not because one of them should have pulled you over for reckless driving.
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BNE0935 05/24/16 5:45 PM

Signaled to change lanes, then this individual accelerated quickly to close gap and honk when he almost rear ends me. Next he cuts in front and slams brakes on. I change lanes to get out from behind him and he cuts back over to try again. Had a newborn in the car, way to go.
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