Even with prescription glasses, this person is still unable to see well to the extent that she needs to tailgate!!! Where does she expect ti go during stop-and-go traffic? Who knows? She was literally tailgating me on the WB I-10 this morning. When I confronted her through my left side mirror, she honked at me. Unbelievable that’s there’s people like her on the road who don’t know how to properly drive (even with glasses on!). People like her need their license revoked for life!
Gray toyota corolla with a spoiler in Ramona/Poway CA. Was speeding 75-80+ on Highway 67 when speed limit is 55, trying to weave in and out of traffic to pass cars. A white van cut them off which led to them bouncing between lanes trying to pass.
cut us off in a selfishly abrupt and disgustingly blunt manner. they did signal but it had a rude glimmer in the heart of the lights. i just knoe this driver has something evil and demented going on in their mind