GNK 7852 10/14/16 10:43 PM

this cocksucker drives a boxy mercedes amg suv, doesn't know how to handle it. carelessly swerves, speeds up and changes lanes quickly cutting ppl off. a real asshole.
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FLC 8737 10/14/16 12:37 PM

Texts, while driving, causing him to take up two lanes. Cuts cars like there is no tomorrow, and unpredictable driving patern.
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FLC 3787 10/14/16 12:32 PM

Texts, while driving, causing him to take up two lanes. Cuts cars like there is no tomorrow.
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HFJ 1416 10/14/16 12:21 PM

ran over my cat in the woods
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JGY 7439 10/14/16 8:41 AM

You are a flipping ass you flying down in you BMW almost hitting a woman pushing a babby slow now you cow
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HFJ 2194 10/14/16 6:52 AM

de guai cidade do brasil e esta placa
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HFZ 2107 10/06/16 1:05 PM

This asshole was doing 40 in a 55 then sped up to 60 when I tried to legally pass him. I got around him and he proceeded to ride my ass for about a mile. He then crossed the double yellow line into oncoming traffic to cut me off and almost smashed into the car in front of me. Then the brat slowed down to 30mph in a 55 to mess with me and started swerving. Took a picture when we got stuck in construction traffic a few miles down on 32 in New Windsor. This guy could have killed someone!!!!!!!
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GYB 6402 10/12/16 9:40 AM

Please move this car asap gas main repair gas leak
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GGS 5144 10/10/16 6:59 PM

about to be roasted son
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GYA 3077 10/02/16 8:31 AM

Blasts music full volume late at night/early in morning while parked at the same 24/7 clean rite laundromat on weekly basis. Gold Nissan Armada.
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  1. LBB 8917 (NY)
  2. NFS 9634 (TX)
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  5. 57841V3 (CA)
  6. 5ZBV218 (CA)
  7. 8VBS650 (CA)
  8. Z32 GGT (NJ)
  9. ZND 9537 (PA)
  10. LRY 2055 (NY)

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