This driver nearly ran me over at a stop light. I was crossing the street with the walk sign and light. The driver (vehicle has tinted windows) kept driving thru the walk area and blocked my path across the road. Even then the driver continued to encroach on the walkway in an aggressive manner. Then parked in a handicapped only spot and placed a handicapped sign on the rear view mirror....
Horrible guy, blocks my driveway Nd I couldn't leave to go to work and had to take a cab because of this persons pathetic decision. I got his plate notated by the authority and they will handle it from there
This driver verbally assaulted my husband at a gas station in Baltimore. Then a by stander reached over and grabbed the pump where we were parked to put it in her tank. Mind you we were still getting gas. I stepped out of my car and wanted to let her know not my hubby not today. She was worried do she told second female get out the car back up and hit me in the leg. Then drove to a different pump and got gas....all because she was in a hurry mind u before all this she assaulted the gas station owner with her drink
But I have a police report
HFY 5866 black MB JEEP, expensive call Terrible driving manor, double parked on 88th Street bet 2nd and 1st Ave, blocked entire traffi and would not move.
Este es el peor conductor que existe en al ciudad de NY no se coloquen de tras de este señor le gusta dar reversa y chocar al otro que este a tras y después sale corriendo cuando lo alcanza dise k fuiste tu que lo chocaste
This driver was full of road rage, I was trying to get to school as she would not let me go infront of her to get to my class. Very annoying and disrespectful driver.
This driver nearly ran me over at a stop light. I was crossing the street with the walk sign and light. The driver (vehicle has tinted windows) kept driving thru the walk area and blocked my path across the road. Even then the driver continued to encroach on the walkway in an aggressive manner. Then parked in a handicapped only spot and placed a handicapped sign on the rear view mirror....