G884821 06/28/16 3:32 PM

This stupid woman raced up the right lane (which was clearly marked for lane ending, and to avoid hitting her I had to move into oncoming traffic. Really appreciate that this person was in such a hurry that my life didn't matter. Should have called 911 and reported her as a reckless driver. She crossed the kingston Rhinecliff bridge, hope she didn't risk anyone else's life.
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FDY 6952 06/27/16 7:14 AM

While drive down 20A between Hemlock and Bristol this dark SUV through 2 orange kittens out the window!!!! I sped up to get the plates before going back for the kittens but they had already ran off.
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HEG 5100 07/03/16 12:56 AM

Anti Goverment! Wrote stupid things like conspiracy theory, from his trunk, that you can't even see his tail light !
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FWD 7027 06/24/16 11:27 PM

Look at this genius... wonder if he's ever heard of George W.Bush?
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HBC 5022 06/24/16 3:57 PM

4:18 pm, 6/23/16...this car sideswiped me until I had to literally go off the road and stop to avoid her. After beeping very loudly and long, I caught up to her and was right behind her. No wave of apology, just driving twisting her hair like nothing had happened. UGHHHH
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GTV 8995 06/23/16 7:25 PM

Corner of Hylan Blvd and Seaview Avenue in Staten Island. Driver made left turn while in the right hand lane. Almost caused an accident. Reckless!!
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GZP 9317 06/30/16 1:12 PM

cannot drive at all. very scared in highways and makes sudden stops almost if to cause accidents on purpose.
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FLR 1628 06/21/16 10:33 AM

i can't park my car
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DEF 9018 06/21/16 7:17 PM

Fat cow who flipped me off unprovoked.

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GYH 8611 06/21/16 8:10 PM

The woman driving this car, sideswiped another car because a car broke down, and was blocking the turning lane, by the Ronkonkoma Train Station about 5pm Tudesday 6/21/16. She threw her Dark Green Grand Cherokee 4 X4 into reverse nearly hitting the car behind her, then trying to move into the left lane while there was a van there in her way, she kept moving forward and to the left until she actually scraped the side of the van.. Then pulled out into oncoming traffic to make a right turn from the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic. A real gem of a driver.
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