HEN 7819 01/17/22 3:23 AM

Obviously doesn't know how three way stops work. You're lucky I didn't hit you as you're driving around with your mask hanging off your chin
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FAI 3969 01/18/22 8:01 AM

This driver's daughter took a shot at me.
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KGX 9811 12/26/21 6:25 PM

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KGX 9811 12/22/21 5:44 PM

Absolute Liter bug. Find her on youtube looking up the plate.
How about that Green New Deal?
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KLW 9452 12/03/21 7:51 PM

She has New York plates, but is driving this car in Frisco, Texas.

The visual location of the hit-and-run is somewhere near this visual location:

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HKB 9051 11/11/21 10:09 AM

Why would people park to block your driveway in the first place? Is it one of those angular stealth driveways that is hidden behind shrubs? If the entire street edge is paved and has no curb, then people will feel self-entitled to park.
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JKZ 9677 11/18/21 6:36 AM

If only more cars drove around with both front fenders and nose looking like that, it would be awesome to behold.
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HKB 9051 11/09/21 3:06 AM

Thanks for your response, I fully understand what you are saying and this is why I try not to have them towed, but if they completely block my driveway I will have no choice but to have them removed/towed, I have cameras to video my home 24/7, I also take still pictures of the person once i play back the video, I run their licensee plate, if a person tries to take any kind of revenge to damage my property there will be severe repercussions, I haven't had this type of situation because I try to keep myself level headed as I don't want anyone to get hurt over a blocked driveway, this world has enough trouble as it is.
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HKB 9051 11/08/21 1:26 AM

Well the Fucker got the ticket and lucky for him I did not call to get his vehicle towed, his license plate along with all the other assholes that blocked my driveway are recorded in my data base, all repeat offenders WILL BE TOWED!.
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GGF 6908 11/03/21 10:33 PM

Kid must’ve forgotten how to parallel park. đŸ˜•
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