Best driver out there! Never seen anyone better! Absolutely no doubt in my mind! Nicest person ever! Always drives the speed limit and is never on their phone! Always drives cautiously!
Lord girl in the white 4Runner, can you be any more stupid/distracted while driving on the Dallas North tollway! How stupid! Pay attention before you wreck!
Passed several cars on freeway in right lane at high rate of speed. Unsafe lane changes with barely a car length open. Brake checked vehicles after changing lanes. White male.
Man, do I enjoy watching your Grey Passat License HGL 0532 EVERY weekday morning carelessly speeding up Inwood road and turning on Landmark Place. Your complete disregard for anyone else on the road is truly inspiring. I love how you floor your car and then cut off everyone who is in the right lane in order to make your turn, this making everyone else slam on their brakes due to your inability to negotiate traffic in a courteous fashion. Again, inspiring. --regards, other drivers around you asshole.
Best driver out there! Never seen anyone better! Absolutely no doubt in my mind! Nicest person ever! Always drives the speed limit and is never on their phone! Always drives cautiously!