On 10/23/2016 on Westbound Washington State Highway-16 near Gig Harbor. The Driver Red car pictured riding in the left lane and not passing anyone in violation of RCW 46.61.100 KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS. She has NO ONE infront of her and a line if 5 or more vehicles behind her.
This guy is an asshole, endangers the road by doing drunk/dangerous stunts; he did a u turn on a roundabout burning rubber and left. has everything polarized
Both you and that white sedan need to get off the road, now. I see you doing stupid shit on the road with someone, I'm coming after you with a video camera.
If anyone ever finds a car with these license plates, please let me know, this is my car and it was stolen from me, i have already called the police, but there is only so much they can do, a PI is very expensive, please i could use all the help i can get, my email is Veteran316@gmail.com thanks
This selfish asshole who likes to tailgate the guy in front of him so that merging traffic can't get over. Then he acts like a total asshole, taking video and picture of you if you try to confront him. This scum sucking maggot needs to die.
UNDERCOVER WSP TRAFFIC COP! Which is an illigal use of under cover status BTW.