Tail-gating asshole that flips people off when they are wrong... I should have slam my break harder next time... flashing lights doesn't mean you have to right to be an asshole on the road... for people's life sake... please stay off the road...
Vancouver peeps, please share this.....So this person came barreling through the school zone here in Salmon Creek, where the children cross the street. Speed limit was 20 miles an hour they were pushing 60! Speed limit on a no school day is like 45. All the parents were out there waving and yelling him/her to slow down, tinted windows couldn't see the driver, so I decided to follow them and snap a pic of their license plate. My kids do the cross walk patrol. We need more police patrol out there in the mornings.
You were parked in a EV charging station at Tacoma Mall on Friday Mar 18, 2016 but not charging. Just because you have a plug does NOT mean you can park here if you are not going to use the station. You have prevented another Electric Vehicle from getting a charge that they might need and you have prevented the charging station provider an opportunity to earn revenue which means that the planned expansion needs to be delayed. All this you caused!
This person is a crazy f*ck. I slowed down to let cars on the on ramp merge. He passed me on the shoulder and slammed on his brakes. On the freeway. At 5:30pm.
Driving above speed limit to Seattle and this guy in the Jeep gives me the Finger. I hope you see this you Prick, you'll find your Road Rage STUPIDITY on Youtube.
Tail-gating asshole that flips people off when they are wrong... I should have slam my break harder next time... flashing lights doesn't mean you have to right to be an asshole on the road... for people's life sake... please stay off the road...