Driver just darted out from the curb without signaling, this is the first thing they mark you up at your driving test, and it was dark too! And didn't signal in any subsequent lane changes
Daryl Smith of Pilgrim High School flipped me off and screamed “BLACK LIVES MATTER!” in my goddamn face. If you see this despicable motherfucker in public beat his ass in front of everyone.
Adrianne "Nici" Dale Mayer should be locked up for the general publics protection. The entitlement on this broad runs deep and is dangerous to all that accidentally cross paths with her.
She actually got away with all of this.
This vehicle is a white 2019 Toyota C-HR that is hired security-patrol-vehicle for the stores Albert Lee, Burlington, World Market, Petco and Joann in Tacoma off Tacoma Mall Blvd. Vin #JTNKHMBX0K1043779.
Bro u fucking suck. U wait 3 mins and then dip, u get ur bread in then leave cuz ur weird asf like that broke ass nggaa. Like the time u waited, was the time it took me to fill a water bottle up lmao.
2006 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor