October 18th, 2021, occurred in Charlotte, NC. The driver decided he needed to get to where he needed quickly and overtook me by driving off the road to the right and sped off as I was driving pass a traffic light on the far right hand side.
This man is extremely dangerous, he WILL drive his SUV off the road just to pass you and doesn't care if he's been caught.
Will give you the bird and curse you out, doesn't care if someone takes a picture with their phone or has a dash cam. If you catch him breaking any traffic rules, don't hesitate to call 911. The man clearly has untreated anger issues and won't hesitate to hurt if he had the chance.
This 2007 Chevrolet Silverado was towing a U-Haul trailer and came to a near-screeching stop as the driver pulled into several spots, putting my vehicle at the mercy of their brakes. Just a disrespectful maneuver. These are the types who get belligerent if you tell them what they are.
12/4/21, 4:15 PM, Seven Feathers Truck & Travel Center, Oregon
Stay out of the left lane going 10 under the speed limit stupid.