I see that you're still driving like a jackass in the mornings. You ran the stop sign at 130th on Meredith pulling out in front of me. I got on I-80 and you blasted by at 85 in a 65. With all your signaless weaving in and out of traffic I ended up ahead of you on 3rd. You pulled into the Federal Building parking ramp. For a Federal employee you drive recklessly every time I see you. You really need to put the front license on that frogger piece of shit.
For an off-duty cop you sure drive like a schmuck. You got on I-235 W driving 85 miles per hour weaving in and out of 8 cars cutting them off with less than 10' to spare as you headed home.
Car: Silver Buick.
I find this driver rude and impatient. They honked at me, and crossed the double yellow lines to pass me. I was going to take a turn in just 500 ft.