Learn to park straight at VA. Most people are handicapped there and you felt like hogging 2 spaces so people couldn't fit through with their walkers and canes.
MXX 227
(IA)A handicapped person that was waiting to pull in there when you welled in02/04/24 12:25 AM
You stupid entitled cunt. You blocked the handicapped spot and blocked the wheelchair access ramp at Jordan Creek Mall. You're not even handicapped at 27. I should have had you towed away. I will report you to the DOT for using a false placard.
You have to be the stupidest fucking driver to pass 3 cars in a double yellow No Passing Zone on Aurora Ave with oncoming traffic doing 75 with small children in the car. I hope your insurance cancels you when they see how reckless you drive. You could have killed someone you jackass.
This gentleman cut me off the other day speeding down Lancaster Blvd and when I reached the red light I can hear him scream from his vehicle something along the lines of "God dude"
Aliens are driving