Impatiently driving on the curb to cut ahead at the light. Woman in her 40’s with a large tattoo on her left arm. Green jeep with commercial tags. Rude as hell.
I again saw you this morning in your Porche on Meredith blowing by cars at 55 in a 35. You got on I-35/80 blasting past cars at 90 in a 65 while weaving in and out of traffic with no signal. You got off on E I-235 zipping past cars. You got off on 3rd and pulled into the Federal Building parking ramp. If you can't control your reckless driving I know an unmarked WDM & an unmarked IHP officer that would like to help you with a monetary donation and a suspended license.
Speeding in our neighborhood, riding my ass while my kids are in the car. Speeding around me around blind curves into oncoming traffic. I was going the 25mph speed limit!! Just to end up 7 miles away literally 1 car ahead of me
thay live in america and thay killed my brother