GT86CYA (TX) 07/27/16 9:28 AM

Has a cool car. its a boosted brz. huge intercooler up front
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7BSN466 (CA) 07/20/16 6:15 PM

Caught this driver tossing a cigarette onto the road which is littering and against the law. 10/30/2015 5:01PM
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6YSW867 (CA) 07/20/16 6:13 PM

Caught this driver tossing a cigarette onto the road which is littering and against the law. 7/15/2016 at 12:28PM
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JXV 4180 (PA) 07/20/16 8:02 AM

This ass hit me and pulled off....
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7GPW804 (CA) 07/19/16 12:05 PM

This driver side swiped a cyclist on Sunset Blvd and did not stop to check for injuries.

Upon catching up with the driver at the next red light, it appeared that the driver, a young male asian, was playing the Pokémon GO game on his smart phone while driving.

The car did not have a front license plate as required by law in the state of California.

CVC s. 21760 Passing a cyclist within less than 3 feet.
CVC s. 20002 Misdemeanor Hit and Run
CVC s. 23123 Using a phone while driving.
CVC s. 5200 Not displaying front license plate issued by DMV
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6QCW9Z9 (CA) 07/20/16 6:19 PM

Caught this driver tossing a cigarette onto the road which is littering and against the law. 1/27/2015 8:18PM
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5DUU528 (CA) 07/20/16 6:17 PM

Caught this driver tossing a cigarette onto the road which is littering and against the law. 8/11/2015 8:38AM
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CT5089 (VA) 07/27/16 12:34 AM

This nigga can't drive for fucking shit almost ran someone over , and skipped 3 red lights...... Crazy ass driver
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BTJ9438 (AZ) 07/19/16 11:28 PM

Minivan tailgated me + cut off another driver. Guy had his wife and kids in the minivan. Called the cops on him and reported him and he had a nice long conversation with the cops.
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27250 (IL) 07/26/16 9:28 PM

Careless and reckless driver and then smiles after she almost hits you
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