875BTE (FL) 02/09/17 4:28 PM

Old Spanish guy thinks he's in fast and the furious. He was really close in getting himself killed.
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DWF 3847 (TX) 02/09/17 2:33 PM

Horrible driver always drunk!!
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HLX 1181 (TX) 02/09/17 1:55 PM

bad driving following to close
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118 XZH (CO) 02/09/17 12:58 PM

This man cut me off and started acting like it was my fault! He started saying he was gona kill me while I was acting all cool, full story on my YouTube Channel: THAT GROM GUY
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DPN 1513 (TX) 02/09/17 8:36 AM

Blocking another car in a school parking lot
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ES 5350 (DC) 02/08/17 8:50 PM

Randomly parking in front of peoples' houses at Evans Parkway Park in Silver Spring. Be on the lookout. Possible drug dealer. Random person met the car
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371 KRW (MN) 02/08/17 6:46 PM

thats one sexy silverado sportside.
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BRZ 5602 (NY) 02/01/17 6:29 PM

This person was obviously high AF when I was driving behind them tonight... Dark gray Jeep, pulled out in front of me from Kitchawan (Mill River Rd) (which could certainly support the assumption that they were on something... and I'd lived there once and seen it plenty, so I'm not just judging based on nothing...) they kept braking and swerving over the double yellow and white lines... while driving UNDER 30mph on a 40/45mph main road! (Being a little over cautious, no?) After that, we came to an intersection with a stop light (that was red) and when it turned green, the cars in front of them went and they hesitated, pulled up and stopped for literally 10 seconds (longer than you'd think!) in the middle of the intersection (in EVERYONE'S way), then started to turn right, then stopped (and waited again) and went left while already turned right (all with NO BLINKERS on!)... almost caused an accident! Then I had to deal with the slowness, braking and swerving again since I was going in the same direction... I finally got to turn onto a different road and who knows what happened... total irresponsible driver... Uh, stay off the road when you're high, dude!--Especially THAT high!
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VGJ 7257 (VA) 02/01/17 4:31 PM

Almost ran into me. took a left swerve into a single lane. No one behind me or in front. Pic is from red light where we both sat
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6YUX007 (CA) 02/08/17 4:02 PM

Person of interest in hit and run road rage accident in Dec 2016.
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