7FUP338 (CA) 11/13/16 2:38 PM

So hot😏
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3TK 196 (MA) 11/06/16 1:51 PM

This guy approached myself and a couple other passers-by and drivers saying he lost his wallet and would wanting to sell his ring which I believe is fake. Location arundel mills mall, maryland 11.06.2016, 2.45pm. IT was a late model dodge Durango
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E46 CKE (NJ) 11/13/16 12:13 PM

Changing lanes recklessly at 80 mph
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7DTN207 (CA) 11/06/16 11:26 AM

Was behind car, going east on Fulton, and we stopped at a red light. The driver opened the car door and vomited. When the light turned green, driver drove swerving through lanes and went ~50mph (at least WAY faster than the posted 30).
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6XON505 (CA) 11/13/16 11:03 AM

Driver (old female, possibly 42, brown hair) cut me off and hit into my car.
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LLJ 9080 (PA) 11/13/16 11:02 AM

Ese vato es la verga
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8A06245 (CA) 11/06/16 9:16 AM

Destruction of public property by driving off road through a rain soaked meadow in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. Proceeded to lose traction, possibly intentionally, tearing up turf.
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GAA 1525 (OH) 11/13/16 10:14 AM

He/she drives way too fast and passed me illegally. Horrible
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220 XVK (WI) 11/13/16 4:36 AM

Horrible driver! Almost hit a dog and didn't flinch. Road rage, road hog, and seemed to be driving under the influence
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7KCC493 (CA) 11/13/16 3:18 AM

violent - really scary - punched pedestrian into the hospital
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