8TYU274 (CA) 05/19/22 11:56 PM

For someone who wanted to act so hard, you never even got close to touching him.... what a softie!

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3Y62G2 (TN) 05/26/22 10:54 PM

He Buys The Shitty Tools Only Stupid People Buy So You Don't Have To!
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5VL 550 (WV) 05/19/22 5:49 PM

Good morning seawall stretch?
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8HLB653 (CA) 05/26/22 4:45 PM

Cut me off without signaling
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6DKK046 (CA) 05/26/22 4:52 AM

Failed the signal cut me off, speeding
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NRW 0017 (TX) 05/18/22 5:51 PM

Extreme tailgater. Nearly rear ended a Porsche. Asshole driver.
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(WA) 05/18/22 6:15 AM

Sprinter van went in a straight-only lane and blew threw a stop sign to turn left and get in front of the people waiting.

On the left of the van was an orange logo for a construction company with white letters "A" and "Z".
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6ZUY500 (CA) 05/25/22 4:48 AM

Blew right through a stop sign
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DB91972 (MI) 05/18/22 4:09 AM

My friend had an encounter with this asshole. They were traveling home one evening on a 45 mph stretch of road, and this guy flies up on his bumper and illegally tailgates him for like 5 miles. This asshole eventually gets very impatient and starts road raging (keep in mind my friend is going 50 mph and this guy is acting like he's going 5 or 10 under the speed limit). The guy passes my friend in a no passing zone, cuts in on top of him pushing him off the road a bit, then he proceeds to STAND on his brakes. Because this truck driver cut in so close to my friend, they are unable to stop in time and they hit this guy. After forcing my friend to hit him, he then proceeds to get out of his truck immediately looking for a fight, but my friend stays inside and tells the other drive that they will call police. But this truck driver then flees. My friend follows the truck driver which on the phone with the police. He does get away, but not after my friend gives the plate to the police.
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KSF 9575 (NY) 05/24/22 12:19 AM

Aggressive driver heed caution...
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