Dallas, TX. 12-16-21. I-20 eastbound, just shy of exit 493. Beat up blue silverado, Slow as hell acceleration for as much noise as you were making! Passing people on the shoulder at 80+mph in heavy traffic on I-20 was plain stupid. Making abrupt lane changes and flooring it to cut in front of other people. Took exit 493 in Talty, accelerating turning onto 1641 south. I sure hope you were headed to an emergency. PD was alerted to look for you. We'll be watching.
The driver of this white Ford is a twenty-five-year-old man named Matt who had the intention to meet and have sex with a fourteen-year-old girl (who was actually predator bait). This man lives in Saginaw and goes to Saginaw Valley State University. See the YouTube video by Predator Poachers Michigan linked below for car, license plate, photo, and chat logs.